
Beginning Your Own Business

About Me

Beginning Your Own Business

My name is Harry and this is my first blog. I live in Perth with my wife and our pet dog. I am 53 years old and for the last 20 years, I have worked at the local auto repair and manufacturing plant. Working on the shop floor can be a lot of fun but after 2 decades, I have grown a little tired of it all. My brother-in-law suggested I think about starting my own business making and repairing specialist auto parts. I explained that you could fit my knowledge of business onto the back of a stamp. He said that he could fix that and invited me to spend 6 months tour his different businesses to see how they work. I learnt so much that I just had to share it with the rest of the world.



4 Reasons to Choose Vehicle Wraps Over Magnetised Signs

Vehicle signage is a great way to get your name out there and attract new business. Of course, there's more than just one option, and business owners often find themselves struggling to choose between vehicle wraps and magnetised signs. Here are just four reasons why you should go for vehicle wraps. 1. More Complete Coverage The main benefit that car wraps hold over magnetised signs is that they can cover more of the vehicle. Read More